Maternity Photos Milwaukee // Studio 29 Photography I am so lucky I have the opportunity to take photos at such important milestones of people’s lives. Maternity sessions are one of my favorites! Jen & Scott’s little-pineapple-baby-girl are so perfect & I can’t wait for the pups to meet their little sister! Enjoy! XOXOX Maternity Photos, […]
I am so happy to share the photos from today’s session of, this cutie, Paisley. I got to visit her this evening at only 9 days new! I am completely in-love with this session for so many reasons! Amy + Erik are going to be the most wonderful parents. I really loved how they decorated […]
Meet baby Caelyn; pictured here @ 9 days Old. Her big brother, Mason, loves her more than he likes Mario fruit snacks ( which is a A L O T ) Show the Love! If these cuties get 30 comments on the Studio 29 Facebook Page Album their Mom & Dad will receive a complimentary […]
Maddie is One! Here is a glimpse at my Friday morning session with this adorable blue-eyed lady!
Started off the day with Steel Oats with Strawberries from Panera before walking 7.4 miles around DC taking photos of some of the monuments. I also went to the Spy Museum. It was extremely interesting and I learned a lot.
in northeastern PA this weekend. Took a drive and snapped some photos. Song of the moment: Save Me – Gotye
Today I finished processing Karenna’s photos. All of her photos from our session can be seen HERE in Her Online Gallery.
“If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don’t be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning ‘Good morning’ at total strangers.” maya angelou
Today I met up with one of my professors from college to photograph her daughter, Karenna. Isn’t it awesome that we share a very similar name?? (kaRENna) We had plans to meet at Discovery World, but to our surprise, it was closed . . . so we decided to use the community room in their […]