Types Of Photography That Benefit From Drones


Photography and technology is developing constantly and with the possibility of being able to use something such as a drone to assist you in your photography or videography, then there are major opportunities arriving. For event photography, you may have never considered the possibility of using a drone and how that could potentially open up your market as a photographer. Essentially drones are flying cameras that can get shots that nobody else could otherwise get. Photos from the sky or from a certain angle can create exceptional shots, and even more so when captured at the perfect time of day, for example, golden hour or at dawn. So whilst you’re deciding what photographer to pick, you should also consider a few things about how they operate and if they have ever thought about using a drone before. There are plenty to choose from, you could look at Dr Drone to see just how many options there are.

If for example, you are a wedding photographer, you may be able to get shots from a birds-eye view to capture the scene. If you are shooting for a magazine, you could do panoramic views from the top of a hillside, or capture a hotel in all its glory if you’re photographing for the hospitality industry. There are plenty of options and photographers should never rule out new equipment and new techniques. It’s part of how we grow as artists.

How drones can be used in photography

Drones can be used in multiple ways to create photography, some of which we have already discussed but it would be folly to dismiss it completely, even as a photographer who doesn’t use trendy equipment. Flying a drone to take photos and video with your drone requires multiple skills, which range from piloting to perform smooth trajectories for video, or a well-stabilized hover to take sharp photos and well-framed. In the same way, as on the ground, these two disciplines are relatively close, but all the same have some peculiarities of their own, in particular with regard to the quality level of the onboard camera sensor. In addition, a good aerial videographer is not necessarily a good photographer, and vice versa, because certain technical concepts differ between capturing moving images and taking photographs.

Improving your photography/videography skills – what you need to know

If you have ever breached into the world of videography alongside your photography work, then you may need to look at how simple it can be to implement a drone. Here are some tips to note, if you are trying to improve your skills in this area:

Buying a drone or a mini drone for filming images today is a relatively simple thing, as many models of aircraft are equipped with the necessary and sufficient equipment to do so. However, as with any technical discipline, it is essential to have a minimum of experience in the field before trying to match the professional or cinematic quality videos that invade our screens. Regarding the actual piloting, some simple tips to apply can improve the quality of the images captured by the on-board camera: 

Video feedback: Immersion flight, or FPV, allows the images recorded by the camera to be viewed live, either on the screen integrated into the remote control or on that of a smartphone or tablet. The usefulness of the return of images is no longer to be demonstrated because it is always better to visualize the framing of a video shot live rather than trying to guess it. FPV flight, therefore, makes it possible to shoot a maximum of successful images and make the most of the flight time of a drone, limited by the capacity of the battery.

Intelligent flight modes: If your drone has one, it is advisable to use all the programming and automatic flight functions. Indeed, these features make it possible to ask a drone, before take-off or in mid-flight, to perform beautiful trajectories, acrobatic figures alone, or to follow a particular subject without having to manually intervene on the joysticks of the controller.

Gaining height: Gaining altitude is one of the factors allowing to improve the spectacular character of video sequences seen from the sky while recalling that it is imperative to remain within the authorized limit of 150 meters of altitude.

Optical stabilization: All the equipment (gimbal stabilized on three axes), sensors and processors, aimed at stabilizing a drone and its camera are real pluses for the final quality of the images obtained from a flying drone.

Take aerial photos with a radio-controlled drone 

Photography with a drone differs slightly from video, although the above flying tips are still valid for taking beautiful shots, except that it is better to trigger the lens during hovering phases, in order to guarantee the sharpness and the framing of the photos. The quality of the camera sensor is also important (quantity of Megapixels), as is the number of adjustments that can be made (autofocus, aperture, field of view, adaptation to light conditions). As with traditional photography, artistry is an indispensable value in aerial photography, which can be learned or possessed naturally.

Final thoughts on drone photography 

You need to determine exactly how you want things to be photographed. As with any photographer, you will have your own style and create a design that you resonate with. If you’re starting out, look at what inspires you. Take the time to go through all the types of photos to understand what you like, from design photos to Instagram of fashion bloggers. You do not necessarily have to narrow down a particular style in particular, as many photographers can do a combination of documentary-style portraits and photographs, a combination of black-and-white photos and colors, and so on. You don’t have to limit yourself at all. This is why, if you’re already established, you may want to look at how drones could benefit your business and career. Do you want to branch out into landscape photography? This could greatly help; the options are endless! 


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