me busting some moves . . . in anticipatory excitement for finding Kurt Cobain’s house. I love love love Nirvana. Seeing his house made me super happy & super sad at the same time. Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are. I’d rather be hated for who I am than […]
Here are just a few snaps from my trip so far. I will be posting a few from the rest of the week in a few days & I will post tons more when I return to Milwaukee. Landed Sunday afternoon. Monday morning I had my heart set on visiting Pike Place Market & the […]
I thought I would share a different kind of post today. Starting with one of my favorite quotes that I find ÜBER inspiring; You don’t take a photograph just with a camera. You bring the act of photography to all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, and […]
Thank you to all of the Brides & Grooms whom have contacted me & special thanks to all of the 2013 Brides & Grooms whom have booked with me. I am at my full capacity for 2013 Weddings. This week alone, I sadly had to pass down 4 more weddings due to previous bookings. I […]