Nate + Fran presented us with such a great Thank You gift!! Cody Road Whisky + William Sonoma Spiced Pumpkin Punch mix! Now, that these have been fully photographed, we will enjoy them! milwaukee food photography, william sonoma, cocktail, thank you, studio 29 photography

Brunch. Thank you, Guy Beringer for inventing the incredible Sunday meal known as, Brunch. Ask me to go to Brunch and I will never say no. Although, on Sundays I do not wake up from the normal “hangover” I do suffer from the wedding photographer’s hangover; sore feet, sore forearms, sore shoulders, and a tired […]

This weekend my friends Jessica + Alex came to visit. Before heading to the MKE Zoo, we had brunch at Cafe Bavaria. Milwaukee Food Photography || Studio 29 Photography

I am still on the whole squash addiction and loving it. Yesterday, I made Garlic Butternut Squash Hummus. This recipe is cheap, tasty and deceptively domestic. Garlic Butternut Squash Hummus INGREDIENTS 1 16 oz can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans 2 cups Butternut Squash (cubed) 1/2 Yellow Onion (diced) 1 tbs Olive Oil 3 Garlic Cloves […]

Yesterday morning,  I shamelessly declared my obsessive relationship with butternut squash. Yesterday evening, the squash-addiction continued; I made Mushroom Butternut Squash Lasagna. It was sweet, cheesy, comforting and perfect for the chilly evening. It also paired well with the amazing bottle of wine that Caleb brought home! Not only did he bring home a bottle […]

Looking for an incredibly tasty & incredibly easy salsa recipe? I got you covered. I love making healthy dishes with Caleb and spending time in my new beautiful kitchen! I am completely infatuated with Food Photography and all it’s elements; the cooking, lighting, composition, & styling have me smiling from ear to ear. Yesterday, we made […]

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